Will I Have To Pay Charges Even Though I Don't Consume Electricity In A Month?
For Tarif B-Commercial account, yes as our minimum charges is B$2.00
I Bought DES token using DST Mobile, However I Did Not Receive Any Token Numbers thru SMS and My DST Credit Shown No Deduction?
Please dial DSTCare Hotline 151
Residential: How To Know Tariff Rates Applicable For Different Categories?
Tariff A is charged on residential using energy (kWH) meter. The charges rates are as follows:-
Commercial / Industry / Corporation: How To Know Tariff Rates Applicable For Different Categories?
Tariff B is charged on Commercial / Industrial premises. The charges rates are as follows:-
Calculation Example:- Based on 27kVA and electricity consumption by 6,000 units per month
kVA is a maximum demand rates of power used. kVA is calculated based on power capacities assessment. Domestic consumers will be charged on Tariff B, if and whenever, any business activities such as retail shop, grocery shop, barber shop, tailoring, restaurant being carried out at the resident.
NOTE: Minimum B$2.00 monthly charge will be imposed on an active electricity account of vacant house / building using conventional energy (kWH) meter.
Please inform Department of Electrical Services prior to vacating house / building. No minimum monthly charges will be imposed on vacant house / building that uses pre-payment energy (kWH) meter. Charges on vacant house / building is subjected to changes.
Where To Make Payments for DES Counters?
ANNOUNCEMENT 23rd January 2017 Announcement for Power Outrage Date: 23rd January 2017 / 25 Rabiulakhir 1438H (Monday) Time: 2:00pm until 4:30pm Areas Affected: Beribi, AVESTA Printing Beribi and the surrounding areas. Reason: Maintenance work on high voltage transformer . The Department apologize for any inconvience caused.
ANNOUNCEMENT 23rd January 2017 Announcement for Power Outrage Date: 24th January 2017 / 26 Rabiulakhir 1438H (Tuesday) Time: 2:00pm to 4:30pm Areas Affected: Batu Satu, Plaza Athirah Batu Satu and the surrounding areas. Reason: Maintenance work on high voltage transformer. The Department apologize for any inconvience caused.